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Our Apostolates

Faith Formation

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Our Congregation is founded mainly for the Christian formation of people, especially of women and children. Through Christian formation we should lead the people of God to the meaning of the gift of faith received through baptism and to the infinite riches of the mystery of salvation of Christ enabling them to worship God the Father in spirit and truth. To enthrone Jesus in the hearts of everyone is the core of it. We are to enlighten the laity in their apostolic responsibility and help them to carry it out with genuine zeal and love for Christ, so that Christian transformation of the whole world may be achieved through them.  Proclaim the Gospel to all generations (cf. Mt 28: 19) is a mission of the Church that cacnot be substituted by any other

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Through Catechesis we should lead the people to the fullness of life and to the experience of Jesus Christ that helps them to proclaim, " we have seen the Lord'' (Jn 1:41). Our parish apostolate is the pastoral service we render in collaboration with the parish priest in various parish activities. We should be able to lead the people of God to Jesus Christ by giving leadership in prayer, teaching catechism, co-operating with the liturgical services and activities of pious associations. Our founder St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara set an indelible zeal in the field of family apostolate. In the family renewal programme, he introduced family prayer, retreats in parishes and devotion to the Bl. Mother etc. Following his example, we try to lead all the families to Jesus, the hope of humanity and the answer to all their problems.  


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Education has been our chosen field of apostolate. From the beginning, through which we particiapte in the teaching mission of the Church. Our aim, in the pursuit of academic and professional excellence, is the total formation of the human person. Therefor, we are eager  to impart, along with techinacal and scienticfic knowledge, the redeeming light of wisdom to meet God the eternal truth.  It is our serious responsibility to impart convictions and values in an appealing and acceptable manner to the youth of today.


The exhortation of St. Pope John Paul II, '' the consecreated should not alienate themselves from the schools and common fields of education because of  the crisis and other difficulties they face in this field '' should inspire us to work with zeal in this field. Schools and colleges are the most important platforms to mould the future of many gerations. We are trying to transform our educational institutions  into temples transmitting the presence of God and family spirit. We try to cultivate truth and justice and foster the spirit of co-operation and communion in the school/college community. 

Social Work

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Following the example of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara we discover new methods and programmes to lead individuals and families to self-sufficiency and implement them with prudence and generosity.  The Social Work Department of Holy Queen’s Province is engaged in promoting, conducting, facilitating and coordinating developmental and social welfare activities for the poor and the marginalized irrespective of caste, creed or community.

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In the present phase, the Social Work Department is characterized by an intensive effort to conscientize and motivate the marginal groups or Self- Help Groups. Gradually SHGs namely Kairose Groups emerged and began to actively participate in the developmental programmes. At present we have 153 women SHG- Kairose Groups with a membership of about 1800 women; we also have 5 SARATHI Groups with active membership of  75 men.

Healing Ministry

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  Healing Ministry, the noblest field for the protection of life, imbibes the spirit of the words of Jesus who says '' I came that they may have life and have it abundantly'' (Jn 10:10) . Our Sisters who work in the field of Healing Ministry are specially called for nurturing a culture of life in this world. Remembering the words of our founder father who exhorts that '' many people have reached the heights of holiness by lovingly serving the sick", our sisters in healing ministry try to become witnesses to the merciful love of Christ (cf. Mt 25:36) . Understanding the needs of the time we give special consideration in our service to the alcoholics, drug addicts, those who are rejected by their own dear ones and those who need palliative care.

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Our Province is engaged in caring for the sick and suffering in Kerala and abroad. Our sisters who work abroad paticipate in Healing Ministry in the countries of Italy, Germany and USA. In  Kerala we have two hospitals at Nooranadu   ( KCM Hospital) and Kainakary (St. Antony’s Hospital). Some of our sisters serve also in other hospitals, viz., St. Thomas Hosital, Chethipuzha, St. Rita's Hospital Paippadu and Pushpagiri Medical College Thiruvalla. We also have one Nursing school at Nooranadu KCM Hospital Campus.

Mass Media

Mass media
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Mass Media - St. Kuriakose  Elias Chavara, the great visionary, who started the apostolate of Mass Media through a printing press, showed us that  it is an important means in the field of evangelization. The powers of evil that infiltrate through the audio-visual media can be effectively neutralized by the Gospel and Moral values transmitted through the same media. 

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Therefore, in order to make the apostolate of Mass Media  more powerful  than ever, we encourage those  who have special gifts and talents to present media programmes based on the Gospel in an attractive way for the public.

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